Is weed good for you? What to know about the health benefits of green?

Many people use cannabis and cannabis products as a treatment for chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, and mental health conditions. However, research has identified both benefits and risks to using cannabis as a medicinal treatment.

The medical benefits of cannabis most commonly come from cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These are two compounds found in Cannabis sativa plants.In states where it is legal, medical professionals may prescribe dried cannabis, oils, tablets, and other products containing CBD and THC to treat a range of conditions. These are broadly referred to as “medicinal cannabis.”

The effects of these treatments are well-studied and typically well-tolerated for their intended use. However, using cannabis products outside of their prescribed use or using cannabis from unlicensed distributors can carry great risk.

In this article, we look at the scientific evidence weighing the medical benefits of cannabis against its associated health risks

There’s no doubt that CBD has become quite popular and has generated a new industry — you can even earn a degree in Cannabis Entrepreneurship* here at JWU. While researchers are still working to understand how effectively CBD can be used for medical purposes, there have already been a lot of promising results. Here are seven ways that CBD has been proven to benefit health. 

1. Lowering blood pressure

study conducted by JCI Insight in 2017 found that CBD lowered the blood pressure of human participants. It reduced their resting blood pressure as well as their blood pressure after stress tests including mental arithmetic, isometric exercise, and the cold pressor test. 

2. Reducing inflammation

CBD has been proven to help reduce inflammation and the neuropathic pain it can cause, according to a s\tudy by the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. \

3. Preventing relapse in dr\ug and alcohol addiction

2018 study discovered that CBD can be us\eful in helping people who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction. A preclinical trial with lab rats determined that\ CBD reduced the stress-induced cravings, anxiety and lack of impulse control that often cause people to relapse. \

4. Treating anxiety disorde\rs

Anxiety is perhaps the most common afflicti\on that people have used CBD for, and a preclinical study found that CBD could be effective in treating generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. 

A vial and dropper full of CBD oil on top of a cannabis leaf


5. Treating gastrointestinal (GI) disorders

recent study found that CBD and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids can effectively be used to prevent and treat GI disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis and more. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties are key to reducing and preventing symptoms. 

6. Preventing seizures

Decades of research have gone into using CBD to treat epilepsy and other seizure syndromes, and a recent study showed it can have positive effects in reducing symptoms and seizure frequency. 

7. Fighting cancer

Not only has CBD been used to help alleviate the effects of chemotherapy, but studies have also found it can prevent cell growth and induce cell death in cervical cancer cell lines and it has numerous anti-cancer effects that can help prevent a variety of cancers, treat tumors, and benefit the immune system. 

Beyond these seven benefits, there are even more still being researched and tested. It’s our hope that students in our new Cannabis Entrepreneurship program will play a green key role in building the future of this industry.  

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